FILMELY 🦋: Apple TV's See Season 2 Episode 3: Guardians and Warriors of the Compass 🎥

Sep 11, 2021

Apple TV's See Season 2 Episode 3: Guardians and Warriors of the Compass 🎥

In the episode "Compass" of the SEE series, on their way to the new capital Kenzua, Baba Voss' group is attacked by slave hunters but is helped by the society of Guardians; meanwhile, at the Payan dynasty, the Maghra-Harlan engagement comes as a political bargain.

@ @ See Series. Watch on Apple TV.

(2019) on IMDb


In Trivantes Republic

Edo is pressured by the Council of State of the Republic of Trivantes to recapture Tamacti Jun and Baba. He orders Wren to track down the people who helped Baba escape, and he assumes it must be someone with vision. This leaves Wren in a dilemma – an impossible task because she is the culprit in secrecy.

Believing that the one who helped Baba escape was one of Jerlamarel's children, Edo goes to the House of Enlightenment and killed him, taking over the house and the books there, also forcing Jerlamarel's son Oloman to serve a scientist of Trivantes, Tormada.

In Paya Kingdom

Baba Voss is attacked by a group of slave hunters who want to capture Haniwa for sale. Baba Voss and Tamacti Jun are almost exhausted from hunger and endless travelling so they couldn't fight against the outnumbered attackers. Fortunately, the Guardians of the Compass appear and save them.

Paris is among these guardians. She said she was once a member of the Society, whose mission throughout its 200-year history is to protect people with vision. Jerlamarel as a child was cared for by Paris and taught to read books, but when he grew up he disappeared with the all books of the Society.

Charlotte - an excellent female warrior of the Compass Society becomes the guide for Baba's group to the new capital Kenzua through an unknown shortcut.

In Kenzua, Lord Harlan finds a survivor to the explosion of a hydroelectric dam in the past capital of Kanzua, and learns that the disaster was caused by Kane herself, not by the Trivantians. Harlan use this to control and force Kane to soon start a marriage between him and Maghra - whom Harlan has secretly loved for a long time.

Maghra has to give in to her marriage to Harlan because she needs the support of both Kane and Harlan to bring Kofu back as well as search for Baba and Haniwa who are still missing.




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