FILMELY 🦋: The Walking Dead Season 10 | Episode 13 | What we became | Subtitles

Apr 9, 2020

The Walking Dead Season 10 | Episode 13 | What we became | Subtitles

In episode 13, What we become, Michonne follows Virgil to an island in seek of military weapons stock. However, everything ends up in a poor trick of Virgil. Instead of finding the arsenal, Michonne finds some clues to Rick's fate, and this prompts her to make a journey to the North to find her husband.

The episode also spends a considerable amount of time portraying Michonne in a state of opium when being drugged by Virgil, in which old stories are recalled, but in contradictory developments with the reality: Your choices, past decisions will determine who you will become, and what you will become in the post-apocalyptic world.


Subtitles: English, Spanish, German, French